Kachina KlassicSoccer Tournament |
1. GENERAL The tournament Director will have jurisdiction over all games played in the tournament. All disputes will be resolved by the Tournament Director/Tournament Committee as soon as possible. NO PROTEST WILL BE ENTERTAINED. Whenever the term "Tournament Director" is used, it shall also be interpreted to mean, (in case of their absence), "a designated representative." The Tournament will be played under FIFA - Laws of the Game and AYSO National Rules and Regulations, with exceptions where applicable herein. 2. ELIGIBILITY OF PLAYERS A. All AYSO players must have played in at least one-half of the games during the AYSO 1999 Fall season. The only exception is if an injury/illness prevented them from playing in the minimum number of games. B. Coaches are responsible for insuring the eligibility of their players according to the eligibility requirements described below. All AYSO coaches must carry the Registration Form for each player at all times, and USYSA coaches must carry a medical release form for each player at all times. C. Ages of players: 1. Under 10 Birthdays between 8/1/89-7/31/91 2. Under 12 Birthdays between 8/1/87-7/31/89 3. Under 14 Birthdays between 8/1/85-7/31/87 4. Under 16 Birthdays between 8/1/83-7/31/85 5. Under 19 Birthdays between 8/1/80-7/31/83 D. Failure to prove eligibility or falsifying eligibility of player(s) will result in the team(s) expulsion from the entire tournament and forfeiture of all games that the team won or tied and that team shall lose be a score of 1-0. E. The Tournament Roster must be signed by the Regional Commissioner/President of that region certifying the eligibility of players. F. All players must have valid player ID cards (player passes). 3. TEAM FORMAT A. A minimum of seven (7) players shall constitute a team. B. The maximum number of players on a team will be eighteen (18) for U19 and U16, and fifteen (15) for U14, U12 and U10. C. Coaches, players and spectators shall remain on their designated side of the field for the duration of the game within the designated area, and opposite the opposing team. This will be determined as follows: North-South fields - HOME team on East side EAST- WEST fields - HOME team on North side D. A team’s designated area (with the exception of the spectators) shall be that area one (1) yard from the touchline, (in order for the Assistant referees to carry out their designated duties), and extend to ten (10) yards from wither side of the halfway line. E. Each home team is responsible for providing three (3) game balls for their game. (one playing ball and two substitute balls - one at each goal). If the referee deems it necessary, each team will be asked to provide one volunteer to retrieve balls out of bounds to facilitate speedient play. F. Each team is responsible for clean up of the general area after each game. 4. PLAYER"S EQUIPMENT A. All uniforms shall be in accordance with AYSO National Rules & Regulations. B. Each player on the team shall wear a shirt with a different number and may not exchange it with another player for the duration of that game, (with the exception of the goalkeepers’ shirt). C. Where colors of uniforms are similar, the home team must change colors which are distinct from those of the opponent. A second uniform is recommended. D. Shinguards must be worn by all players at all times during the duration of the game. Shin guards must be completely covered and INSIDE the game sock during the duration of the game. E. Sliding pants/bicycle shorts may be worn but at no time can the extend below the knee. The color of the sliding pants/bicycle shorts must be the same color as the "uniform" shorts. F. Knee braces must be soft and flexible. Hard-type plastic, metal or anything considered dangerous to either the player or opponent, by the referee, may not be worn at any time during the duration of the game. Soft wrap (ACE Bandages) will be allowed, but no metal clips can be used. G. Hats, Bandannas, knee pads and elbow pads will not be allowed on any player with the exception of the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper is allowed to wear knee and/or elbow pads. H. Eyeglasses must be secured by either a plastic guard or a head strap. I. Players with two or more fingers taped together, hard casts or soft casts shall not be permitted to play. J. No jewelry of any type, nor metal hair clips may be worn by any players. K. Metal cleats may be worn, provided there is no fraying, (i.e. sharp points), studs must be attached to the cleat and not the show. 5. REFEREES AND ASSISSTANT REFEREES Referees and Assistant Referees will be assigned by the Tournament Referee Coordinator. Neither AYSO nor ASYSA referees will be paid for their services. A. All games shall be officiated by the diagonal system - one Referees and two Assistant Referees. The dual (2 referee)system will be used only if necessary. B. If two Assistant Referees are not available, then the center Referee shall recruit "two club linesman" with the verbal consent of each coach from the opposing teams. The "club linesman" will signal "ball out of touch" (either across the goal line or touchline) ONLY! C. REFEREE RESPONSIBILIES 1. Referee shall, at all times, follow and impose Rules and Regulations of the Tournament. 2. Upon completion of the game: a. The referee shall deliver the "signed" team game card to the score table. Indication on the card will be made if a player was sent off (given a red card). b. If a player was "sent off", the referee shall confiscate that players ID card and submit it, along with a detailed report of the incident, within 30 minutes of the completion of the game to the Tournament Director. c. If the red card occurred at the last game of the tournament, that player "will NOT be allowed to participate in the first game of the next scheduled tournament. The player I.D. card will be mailed immediately after the tournament to the player’s Regional Commissioner.
D. ASSISTANT REFEREES 1. Assistant Referees, including youth referees (12 to 17 years), will be assigned by the Tournament Referee Coordinator. 6. DURATION OF THE GAMES A. All game lengths will be as follows: U19 - 35 minute halves U16 - 35 minutes halves U14 - 30 minute halves U12 - 30 minute halves U10 - 25 minute halves
B. Championship and Consolation games will be of AYSO/USYSA regulation length. C. There will be no overtime periods in preliminary games. D. Game duration length is subject to change dependent upon field availability. E. All games will have a continuous running clock and a MINIMUM five (5) minute half-time interval. F. Because of a tight schedule, games must begin on time and as scheduled. When a game is running behind schedule, the referee will terminate the game no later than five minutes before the following game is scheduled to start. Only the referee in charge of the game, with the concurring decision of the Tournament Director, has the authority to cancel any game. A GRACE PERIOD OF FIVE (5) MINUTES MAXIMUM FROM THE SCHEDULED KICK-OFF TIME WILL BE ALLOWED BY THE GAME REFEREE BEFORE CANCELLING ANY GAME. 7. TEAM CHECK-IN PROCEDURE Each team must be ready to play at the scheduled time: A. To be ready to play, a team must have seven (7) or more players in uniform and eligible to play at the correct field at the scheduled time. B. Check-in is a minimum of thirty (30) minutes before each game time at the Team Check-In Area. ALL PLAYERS MUST BE PRESSENT FOR CHECK-IN AND DO SO BEFORE EACH GAME! (Late teams shall forfeit participation in the coin toss.) C. The following items will be reviewed at check-in time:
D. A player must check-in prior to the official start of the game. No player can check-in during the game in which he/she will be participating in without proper "late check-in" procedure. Any player unable to check-in thirty (30) minutes prior to the game time, will have his/her name highlighted in yellow on the game card and will not be eligible to play in any game until he/she has been properly checked in.
E. Player passes must be presented and left with the Field Marshall during each scheduled game. Coaches are responsible for picking up their passes from the Team Check-in station after each game. F. A Tournament official will sign each game card on the line after the last player on the card. Only tournament officials can verify the registration of a player and sign the game card. G. Only players who meet eligibility requirements in section 2 (eligibility of players) will be allowed to participate in tournament play. H. Failure of a team to meet these requirements shall constitute a forfeiture and at team shall lose by a score of 0-1.
8. SUBSTITUTION OF PLAYERS A. U19 & U16 FREE SUBSTITUTION will be allowed as follows:
B. U14, U12 & U10 Substitution shall be in accordance with the AYSO National Rules and Regulations as follows:
C. Free substitution will be allowed for all ages during overtime periods. D. The substitute player may not enter the field until given permission to do so by the referee. All substitutes must enter and exit through the mid field on the same side of the field his/her team is on. E. ALL COACHES, for "all" ages, are responsible for insuring that each player participates (plays) a minimum of ONE-HALF of each game (In U19 & U16, where "free substitution", is permissible, the Assistant Referees will keep an account of each players time as well as the coach). 9. TOURNAMENT FORMAT A. Teams will play three (3) preliminary. Each age group will be divided into one or more brackets. Any age group with more than 5 teams will play with two separate brackets.
TEN TEAM BRACKETS Will consist of one (1) bracket of ten (10) teams. Each team will play, at random, three other teams within the bracket. At the end of the preliminary games, the two teams with the highest points will advance to the Championship game, and the two teams with the third and fourth highest points will advance to the Consolation game. EIGHT TEAM BRACKETS Will consist of two (2) brackets A & B of four (4) teams. Each team will play the other three (3) team in its bracket for a total of three (3) preliminary games. The team in each bracket with the highest number of points will be bracket winners and will advance to the Championship Game. The team in each bracket that accumulates the second highest number of points will advance to the Consolation Games. SIX TEAM BRACKETS Will consist of two (2) brackets A & B of three teams. Each team will play the other two teams within their bracket for its first two games. Based on total points, within the bracket, the first, second and third place teams from each bracket will play across brackets for their third preliminary game. The total tournament points of both brackets after the third preliminary game will determine which teams advance to the championship and consolation games. (For example: the two teams with the highest and second highest points from both brackets, will advance to the Championship game - the two teams with 3rd and 4th highest points, out of the two brackets, will advance to the Consolation game). FIVE TEAM BRACKETS Each team will play every team within the bracket for a total of four games. Winners will be determined by "total points". In the event of a tie after the preliminary games have been played, the tie shall be broken under the preliminary "tie breaker" format. Maximum of 10 points possible for each game. One (1) point will be deducted for each red card received by a player or coach. B. The ten (10) point system shall be used as follows: WIN = 6 Points TIE = 3 Points SHUTOUT = 1 Point LOSS = 0 Points FORFEIT = 0 Points RED CARD = -1 Point ONE POINT FOR EACH GOAL-UP TO THREE (3) GOALS NO SHUTOUT POINT FOR EITHER TEAM FOR A 0-0 "ALL" TIES = (3 POINTS TOTAL) If there is a tie in points at the end of the preliminary games, teams that will advance to Championship or Consolation games will be decided by using the following, "Tie Breakers", in the order in which they are listed: 1. Tie Breaker A - If the tied teams played each other in previous games, the team that won that game shall be deemed the winner. 2. Tie Breaker B - If the tied teams played a common opponent, the team that won that game shall be deemed the winner. 3. Tie Breaker C - Team with the lowest total number of goals scored against, will be deemed the winner. 4. Tie Breaker D - "Shootout" (time and place to be determined by the Tournament Director). C. If a forfeit game occurred for any reason and in the event of a tie, goal differential will not be used to determine the winner to proceed into the Championship and Consolation game. D. In the event both teams do not show up for a scheduled game and the referee rules the ground "playable", then both teams shall be accessed a forfeit and a loss. E. Placement of teams into tournament format will be accomplished by using the following criteria:
10. CHAMPIONSHIP AND CONSOLATION GAMES A. Team points will be posted as quickly as possible after each game. It is the coach’s responsibility to make note of their teams’ standing and determine, (according to the posted scores), whether their team will be in either the Championship or Consolation Games. B. If either a Championship or Consolation game ends in a tie after the regulation time, then two (2) SUDDEN VICTORY OVERTIME periods will be played. The first team to score a goal shall be declared the winner. C. OVERTIME - In the event that one team is not ahead by one (1) or more goals at the end of regulation time, the following rules shall apply:
D. PENALTY MARK KICKS In the event that the game is tied at the conclusion of the "Sudden Victory" overtime, the AYSO - FiFA instructions regarding the taking of kicks from the penalty mark shall apply. The team with the most goals scored by the first five shooters shall be deemed the winner. If a tie remains, a "sudden death" shoot-out will occur. (Some "SHOOUTOUT" games may be moved to another field to avoid late starts on subsequent games.) 11. SEND-OFF PROCEDURES (EJECTIONS) A. Any player, coach, or spectator who has been sent-off (given a red card), must immediately leave the game site area to the referee’s satisfaction. B. If a player or coach is sent-off, the Field Marshall will retain his/her pass which will be sent to the Tournament Director together with the referee’s report within thirty (30) minutes of the conclusion of the game C. A player receiving a red card shall be expelled from the game, may not be replaced, and is automatically disqualified from participating in their team’s next scheduled tournament game. Stronger penalties may be imposed, depending on the circumstances. However, if a player is sent-off due to fighting, he/she will NOT be permitted to play in any remaining games in the Tournament. D. Any coach being sent-off will be expelled from that game, and will be disqualified from coaching in the next scheduled game. The coach is responsible for all the parent’s/spectators’ conduct, and may be "sent-off" due to parent’s/spectators misconduct. E. If a player or coach is sent-off the field, one point (1) will be deducted from that teams’ total points. F. Upon completion of the suspension, the player/coach pass will be released from the Tournament Director to the coach. 12. CONDUCT A. All players, coaches and spectators are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship throughout the tournament. B. Negative or derogatory comments shall not be permitted from the sidelines by coaches, substitutes or spectators. C. Cautions or send-off’s issued by the referee because of such conduct shall be issued to the coach, or assistant coach if the coach is not in attendance for any reason. D. If control has not been established at this point, the game shall be suspended with the outcome to be determined by the Tournament Committee. E. Coaches shall not enter the field of play unless requested by the referee. F. The Tournament Director and/or Committee reserves the right to immediately suspend from the Tournament any team that causes damage, injury or disturbance, on or off the field. G. NO ALCHOL, TOBACCO OR DOGS permitted on or near the field of play at any time during the tournament. 13. INCLEMENT WEATHER A. In the event of inclement weather, the Tournament Director and/or Tournament Committee shall be responsible for deciding if games are to be played as scheduled. If a game must be cancels, the Tournament Director shall reschedule the game at the earliest possible date and time. B. If the tournament is terminated, an alternate date will be rescheduled. If you are not able to attend on the new date, a refund will be issued. C. Games will be called off at game time only. Assume all games will be played as scheduled. D. If a game is terminated because of rain or darkness, the following shall apply:
14. INJURIES A. Any injury to a participant or damage caused by participant, must be reported to the Tournament Director. B. The Tournament will have minimal 1st aid treatment, located at the Tournament Headquarters, and emergency personnel will be called for any other injury other than the minor ones. 15. TOURNAMENT AMENDMENTS A. Additions or amendments to these "Rules and Regulations" may be issued prior or and during the tournament. Questions concerning these General Rules or subsequent additions to them, must be directed to the Tournament Director, Designee or Tournament Committee only. 16. TOURNAMENT CANCELLATION If, due to unforeseen circumstances prior to the scheduled day of games, the Tournament must be canceled, the Tournament Director and/or Tournament Committee will reschedule the games to another date. If this is not possible, refunds will be given to each and every team. 17. PROTESTS PROTESTS WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED!! "BE A GOOD SPORT - program will be in effect during this tournament and remember IT’S FOR THE KIDS!!!!!!! |